Saturday, September 14, 2013

Metal and the Autumnal Equinox

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~ Albert Camus

Autumn is like a second spring, in that it is another still point in the annual cycle of seasons. However, instead of the resurrection of nature, we begin to see its inevitable and bittersweet decline. Crops are harvested, and deciduous trees blaze forth spectacular displays of transformation.Many of these colors are always present in the leaf, but are "hidden from view" until the diminishing light and cooler air trigger an alchemical transformation.  As the auxin and chlorophyll levels decrease with the shifting light and temperatures, carotene begins to shine through as yellow, and anthocyanin as red and orange.  Finally, cool winds usher in crisp dry air from the North, and the brilliant leaves are released from their summer's toil and scatter towards the skies and ground, reminding us of our own impermanence in this world.

Autumnal Equinox: September 22, 2013, 1:44 pm PDT

Officially the Autumnal Equinox occurs when the Sun once again crosses the imaginary celestial equator, heading south for the Winter months of the Northern hemisphere, on September 22, 2013.  The moment marks the instance when light and dark, yin and yang, are momentarily in balance.  Soon the light will wane allowing the yin forces of contraction to overtake the expansion of yang.  Nights grow longer than days until the next tipping point at the Winter Solstice in December. 

As I have mentioned in previous posts, these turning points are illustrated in the bagua and I-Ching, the Book of Changes.  Winter is associated with the most yin -- 2 K'un/The Receptive, Summer with the most yang --1 Chi'en/the Creative, and Spring 11 T'ai/Peace and Autumn 12 Pi/Standstill with equal yin and yang. In this hexagram, the three solid yang bars on top, and three broken yin bars on the bottom represent yang energy above giving way to yin below.  It is said to indicate perseverance over submissiveness. However, when it appears in an I Ching reading, the advice is to remain still instead of acting. It is a time to take shelter in integrity, quietly remain faithful to inner principles, which may be likened to the carotene and anthrocyanin pigments in the leaves.  These pigments remain quiet and are hidden beneath the chlorophyll during the summer, and are not revealed until the contracting forces have initiated in the fall.

According to the five element theory of  Chinese Medicine, these pigments are associated with the metal (mineral) element, which presides over the autumn. The Chinese character for metal, or jin, depicts a mine shaft covered by a roof containing two nuggets of gold. Similar to the Pi hexagram, the character jinportrays a shelter which houses one of the most valuable metals on Earth, gold. Historically gold has been reserved for kings as it was considered a manifestation of the light of the Sun on Earth, and symbol of divine kingship.  Now modern astronomy has discovered that gold is only created in the supernova explosion of a dying star. It seems fitting that the metal element is associated with a season of the Sun's decline. Gold is also the exchange token of the merchant class that is also ruled by the metal element.  A merchant must be able to assess the value of his wares, decide whether to keep it for him/herself, and then and determine a price if it is to be sold.  The merchant knows what to hold onto, and what to let go.

Thus metal season is characterized by ripening, contraction and slowing down, harvesting, judging, and finally letting go.  It is the letting go process that may give rise to the emotions of grief and disappointment which can deplete the body of its reserves. In the oldest acupuncture text, the Neijing Su Wen (The Yellow Emperor's Classic on Chinese Medicine), the wise acupuncturist Qi Bo advises:
In the months of Fall all things in nature reach their full maturity. The grains ripen and harvesting occurs. The Heavenly energy cools, as does the weather. The wind begins to stir. This is the changing or pivoting point when the active phase (yang) turns into its opposite, the passive phase (yin). One should retire with the sunset and arise with the dawn. Just as the weather in Fall turns harsh, so does the emotional climate. It is therefore important to remain calm and peaceful,refraining from excess sadness so that one can make the transition to Winter smoothly. This is the time to gather one’s spirit and energy, be more focused, and not allow desires to run wild. One must keep the Lung energy full, clean, and quiet. This means practicing breathing exercises to enhance Lung qi. Also, one should refrain from grief, the emotion of the Lung. This will prevent Kidney or digestive problems in the Winter. If this natural order is violated, damage will occur to the Lungs, resulting in diarrhea with undigested food in Winter. This compromises the body’s ability to store in Winter.

As this passage indicates, the organs associated with the metal element are the lungs and large intestine. The lungs receive heavenly qi which is transported to the kidneys, the seat of dharma, and thus bring inspiration and divine energy to support our path; and like its co-organ, the skin, protects us from impurities in both the inner and outer world.  The large intestine lets go of post-heavenly qi impurities hidden in food, while keeping precious minerals like magnesium which is necessary for its smooth flow, as well as controls the contraction of smooth muscle in the digestive track and blood vessels, also ruled by metal.   In Chinese medicine, these organs are related in their ability not just to absorb or release oxygen, but also to absorb or release water through the lungs, and its related outer layer of the skin, and inner organ of the colon.  Thus the metal organs are the primary tool to support immunity. Acupuncturists use cupping, guasha (scraping) and expel-the-pathogen points like Lung 7 and Large Intestine 4, to trigger sweating and release unwanted passengers.  



Large Intestine 4

However, too much sweating can also deplete the system, especially since both yin and yang metal organs are associated with dryness.  According to Lonnie Jarrett, "On a psychospirtual level, dryness may embody a sense of loss and feelings of having be "burned" by heaven, which has taken away what one has valued."   Thus feeling abandoned or disconnected, or experiencing excess disappointment and grief can also stagnate energy, creating a "deficiency heat" that also dries up the fluids. Even certain activities like sauna and hot yoga should be done in a way that balances sweating by replenishing fluids and electrolytes (minerals).

One of the easiest, and most environmentally sound, ways to stay healthy in any season is to eat fresh local and seasonal foods.  The flavor of the metal element is pungent, like ginger, garlic, and onions, all excellent immune boosters.  The color white is also associated with metal and many of these pungent vegetables are also white.   Pears are a fruit that can restore the yin fluids and benefit both lung and colon.

Two of my favorite patent remedies that can stop an approaching cold in its track are Yin Chiao and Gan Mao Ling.  

As a practical matter, people often present at clinic when the cold virus has progressed more deeply into the body, in which case Yin Qiao San is one of several excellent formulas. Yin Qiao San disperses wind-heat, clears heat (treats fever), and relieves toxicity. It treats upper burner (chest / respiratory) disorders without injuring the stomach. It lessens sore throat, and relieves thirst. Yin Qiao San can also be taken as a preventative. 

Gan Mao Ling Wan clears heat, resolves toxins, dispels wind, relieves body aches, and cools lung heat to relieve cough. It can be used alone or combined with Yin Qiao at the onset of cold or flu.  Unlike Yin Qiao San, Gan Mao Ling Wan does not contain many herbs that boost immunity and, therefore, one does not benefit from long-term use once symptoms have resolved. Because Gan Mao contains several cold or cool herbs, it is not advised for very cold or shivering patients.

These herbs and Qi Bo's sound advice to gather one's spirit and energy are quite effective if we wish to stay in alignment with nature's eternal rhythms.  Just as the leaves have collected and stored the sunlight deep in a tree's core, we too must consider how to keep our energy strong when the sunlight is weak.  Thus the autumnal equinox heralds not only the fall harvest, but also the metal season in which we may assess what we have collected, what is worth keeping, and what needs to be released. As the sap of a tree begins to contract towards it roots, and releases its leaves that become compost for the next year, we too must slow down, turn our focus inward, and let go of what no longer serves us, returning to our core, our roots, our essence. 

I leave you with a wonderful example of the metal season: Chet Baker plays Autumn Leaves with such exquisite sensitivity that we feel the metal sensibility of bittersweet -- the understanding that our experience is all too fleeting.